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Shock Wave Therapy in London | Our story of ESWT development

This condition plagues golfers who are both professional and recreational. Traditionally it is a pain in the inside of the elbow not outside

(tennis elbow). Diagnosis should normally conform to these locations however our experience shows us that subtle variants exist from person to person.

It can affect people of any age, and they do not even have to play golf. Non-golfers who suffer tend to be manual workers or cleaners.

Given the location and the fact we use the elbow on a daily basis, it was previously hard to cure elbow pain while work or sport was also aggravating. Cases used to go on for months to years without fully resolving and with each healing delay the complaint gets harder to treat. Now there is another treatment option in the form of sound waves for even the worst case of Golfers Elbow - to read more about this treatment click here